Time For A Fresh Start?

The words "And so I chose to begin again" written in white on a street and surrounded by six yellow circles

Want to change your ways? Today (03/01) might be just the day to start. Why? Because of the "Fresh Start Effect."

There's more detail below, but the TL;DR is that there's a better chance of ongoing success in change when we kick off our efforts (or re-up our commitment) on a day or date that feels like a new beginning.

For me, I have a couple expense categories I'd like to see reduced. I started out okay in October but then things kinda went sideways. So today feels like a good day (esp since it's the start of a new budget month) to re-commit to reducing spend in those areas. What about you? How are you taking advantage of the "Fresh Start Effect" today?
Behavioral scientist Katy Milkman's 2014 study found that “fresh starts” — taking on a new habit or ditching an old one — were more successful when they occurred on holidays, birthdays, first days of a new job or school term, or even the most boring of “special” days, like the first of the month. These “temporal landmarks” nudged people to reflect on their lives and seriously consider making changes.